
Ghee is an aromatic treasure found in every kitchen, with an endless list of nutritive contents. It is more of a need of the hour because the younger generation stands unprotected from the deadly viral diseases. Kayal Ghee, which is rich and grainy in texture, supplies ample immunity for the little children and adults equally.


Ghee is an aromatic treasure found in every kitchen, with an endless list of nutritive contents. It is more of a need of the hour because the younger generation stands unprotected from the deadly viral diseases. Kayal Ghee, which is rich and grainy in texture, supplies ample immunity for the little children and adults equally.
Kayal Ghee is produced from pure butter which is pasteurized and clarified in traditional methods. It is safe for everyone in the family. Studies show that when children eat good fat-rich food like ghee, it helps in absorbing good amounts of vitamins and minerals. Ghee has an auspicious trait too. For generations, Ghee has been used to light lamps and for preparing prasadams because it is considered very divine and spiritual. Ghee is very versatile and is very ideal to use in healthy weight loss diets such as Keto, Paleo and other Ayurvedic diets. Most importantly Kayal Ghee is untouched by hands and packed under hygienic conditions.